Resumed implementation guide:
How to implement a Manager:
WA.Managers.<name> = new function()
var self = this;
function destroy()
self = null;
WA.Managers.<name>.<object> = function()
WA.i18n.setEntry('<name>.<id>', '<message>');
The 4GL Manager classes tree:
- 4glnode
- Application
- Container
- simpleContainer
- separatorContainer
- tabContainer
- treeContainer
- groupContainer
- Zone
- simpleZone
- separatorZone
- separatorSizer (internal zone, no children)
- tabZone
- tabSelector (internal zone, no children)
- treeZone
- groupZone
- Element
- htmlElement
- codeElement
- buttonElement
- imageElement
- linkElement
- textElement
- textfieldElement
- hiddenfieldElement
- lovfieldElement
- textareafieldElement
The _4glnode attributes and methods:
- app the owner application object
- domID the 3-parts DOM id, string
- xdomID the 3-parts id exploded in an array
- id the application local id of the node (3rd part of the domID)
- supertype enum(application, container, zone, element)
- children the list of registered children (only if application, container, zone)
- _4gl true: it's a normal 4gl node, false: main app context node
- father the father of this node (only main app context node have no father)
- listener the listener to send a copy of any event
- code object with the xml equivalent code
- state 0: creation, 1: loading, 2: checking, 3: building, 4: starting, 5: running, 6: stopping, 7: stopped, 10: critical error
- visible true if the node is visible, or false
- serverlistener true if the server listen this node events, or false
- application contains the inner application object (only if the node is a zone)
- created true if the node has been created by the constructor, or false
- domNode DOM corresponding node
Implement a Container:
Container skeletton:
WA.Containers.<name> = function(fatherNode, domID, code, listener)
var self = this;
WA.Containers.<name>, fatherNode, domID, code, '<type of DOMNode>', { classname:'<class>' }, listener);
addEvent('start', start);
addEvent('resize', resize);
addEvent('stop', stop);
/* system methods */
function resize()
function start()
function stop()
this.createZone = createZone;
function createZone(domID, code, listener)
this.destroyZone = destroyZone;
function destroyZone(id)
this.destroy = destroy;
function destroy(fast)
WA.Containers.<name>, fast);
self = null;
/* User methods */
this.newZone = newZone;
function newZone(id, classname, style, ....)
this.showZone = showZone;
function showZone(id)
this.hideZone = hideZone;
function hideZone(id)
this.deleteZone = deleteZone;
function deleteZone(id)
this.activateZone = activateZone;
function activateZone(id)
this.getValues = getValues;
function getValues()
this.setValues = setValues;
function setValues(values)
WA.extend(WA.Containers.<name>, WA.Managers.wa4gl._container);
WA.Containers.<name>.<zone> = function(father, domID, code, listener, ....)
WA.Containers.<name>.<zone>, father, domID, code, '<Type of DOMNode>', { classname:'zone' }, listener);
addEvent('start', start);
addEvent('resize', resize);
addEvent('stop', stop);
/* system methods */
function resize()
function start()
function stop()
this.destroy = destroy;
function destroy(fast)
WA.Containers.<name>.<zone>, fast);
self = null;
/* User methods */
WA.extend(WA.Containers.<name>.<zone>, WA.Managers.wa4gl._zone);
Implement an Element:
Element skeletton:
WA.Elements.<name> = function()
WA.extend(WA.Elements.<name>, WA.Managers.wa4gl._element);
** Elements basic functions:
show() show the full element
hide() hide the full element
setSize() set size of the element
setPosition() set position of the element
getValues() get values of the element if apply
setValues() set values of the element if apply
destroy() called to destroy the element