File: test/tests_events.js

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  Classes of Arturs Sosins   Countly SDK for Node.js   test/tests_events.js   Download  
File: test/tests_events.js
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Countly SDK for Node.js
Report events to be tracked with by API
Author: By
Last change: [SDK-686] idtype and request t (#39)

* tests, id type and request t added

* changelog entry

* linting

* more linting

* some timing issue fix

* update

* wording changes

* changelog and split up the init id assign functions

* some comments

* ID type ifs

* tests, comments and linting

* timing for tests
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 1,699 bytes


Class file image Download
/* eslint-disable no-console */ var Countly = require("../lib/countly"); var hp = require("./helpers/helper_functions"); // init function function initMain() { Countly.init({ app_key: "YOUR_APP_KEY", url: "", interval: 10000, max_events: -1, }); } // an event object to use var eventObj = { key: "in_app_purchase", count: 3, sum: 2.97, dur: 1000, segmentation: { app_version: "1.0", country: "Turkey", }, }; // a timed event object var timedEventObj = { key: "timed", count: 1, segmentation: { app_version: "1.0", country: "Turkey", }, }; describe("Events tests", () => { it("Record and check custom event", (done) => { // clear previous data hp.clearStorage(); // initialize SDK initMain(); // send custom event Countly.add_event(eventObj); // read event queue setTimeout(() => { var event = hp.readEventQueue()[0]; hp.eventValidator(eventObj, event); done(); }, hp.mWait); }); it("Record and check timed events", (done) => { // clear previous data hp.clearStorage(); // initialize SDK initMain(); // send timed event Countly.start_event("timed"); setTimeout(() => { Countly.end_event(timedEventObj); // read event queue setTimeout(() => { var event = hp.readEventQueue()[0]; hp.eventValidator(timedEventObj, event, (hp.mWait / 1000)); done(); }, hp.sWait); }, hp.mWait); }); });