Ratings | | Unique User Downloads | | Download Rankings |
Not enough user ratings | | Total: 58 | | All time: 489 This week: 4 |
Version | | License | | JavaScript version | | Categories |
flvinfo 1.0 | | Custom (specified... | | 5 | | Audio, Video, Parsers |
Description | | Author |
This object can parse and extract information from FLV video files.
It can take the URL or selected file of a FLV video and read it to parse its information.
The object takes a callback function to handle errors, or if it succeed it calls another callback function passing the parse information in easy to process data structure.
It returns information about the audio and video streams like the format, compatibility, duration, bitrate, creator, codecs, size, samples, language, frame rate, width, height, etc.. Innovation Award
 June 2016
Number 2
Prize: One ebook of choice by Packt |
Many sites need to take videos uploaded by the users. When a user uploads a video he may not be certain if that is the right video that he wants to upload and may only realize that after a few hours when the video finishes uploading.
This object is one of several others that can help addressing this issue by being able to parse and extract data from an Flash Video even before the user uploads it. This way the user can confirm if the video was the right was that he wanted to upload.
Other versions of this package exist for parsing MP4, AVI and MKV video files.
Manuel Lemos |
| |
Innovation award
 Nominee: 5x |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Make a file input for you to select an FLV -->
<input type="file">
Mode : <input id="toggle" type="button" value="Complete"-->
<textarea id="out" rows="40" cols="120">And then ? Choose one FLV file : </textarea>
<script src="FLVInfo.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function duree(s) {
function onetotwo(Pint) {
if (Pint < 10) {
return '0' + Pint.toString();
} else {
return Pint.toString();
function onetothree(Pint) {
if (Pint < 10) {
return '00' + Pint.toString();
} else {
if (Pint < 100) {
return '0' + Pint.toString();
} else {
return Pint.toString();
var out = '';
var lhh = '';
var lmn = '';
var lss = '';
var lms = '';
lhh = Math.floor(s / 3600);
lmn = Math.floor((s - lhh * 3600) / 60);
lss = Math.floor(s - lhh * 3600 - lmn * 60);
lms = Math.ceil((s - lhh * 3600 - lmn * 60 - lss) * 1000);
if (lhh > 0) {
lhh = lhh.toString() + ":";
out = lhh;
if (lmn > 0) {
if (out.length == 0) {
out = lmn.toString() + ":";
} else {
out = out + onetotwo(lmn) + ":";
} else {
if (out.length > 0) {
out = out + "00:";
if (lss > 0) {
if (out.length == 0) {
out = lss.toString();
} else {
out = out + onetotwo(lss);
} else {
if (out.length == 0) {
out = "0";
} else {
out = out + "00";
if (lms != 0) {
out = out + '.' + onetothree(lms);
return out;
function humanFileSize(size) {
var i = Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024));
return (size / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2) * 1 + ' ' + ['o', 'ko', 'Mo', 'Go', 'To'][i];
function humanBitrate(size) {
var i = Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024));
return (size / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2) * 1 + ' ' + ['bps', 'kbps', 'Mbps', 'Gbps', 'Tbps'][i];
function human_reading(info) {
info.text = "ArouG's FLV Infos :\n";
info.text += "-------------------\n";
if (info.parseMetaDataBREAK){
info.text = "MetaDataParsing has been broken :\n";
if (info.parseFlagsBREAK){
info.text = "BEWARE : FLV parsing has been broken and factor 2 is supposed\n";
info.text += "File : " + info.filename + "\n";
var d= new Date(info.filedate);
info.text += "Date : " + (d.getFullYear()) + '/' + (d.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + d.getDate() + ' ' + d.getHours() + ':' + d.getMinutes() + "\n";
info.text += "Size : " + humanFileSize(info.filesize) + "\n";
info.text += "Version FLV : "+info.FLVVers+"\n";
info.dureeS = (info.lastStampTime - info.firstStampTime) / 1000;
info.text += "Duration : " + duree(info.dureeS) + "\n";
var Gbitrate = 0;
Gbitrate = (info.AudionbB + info.VideonbB) * 8 / info.dureeS; // kbps
info.text += "Global bitrate : " + humanBitrate(Gbitrate) + "\n";
if (info.onMetaData.metadatacreator){
info.text += "Creator : " + info.onMetaData.metadatacreator + "\n";
var tot = 0;
if (info.AudionbB > 0) tot += 1;
if (info.VideonbB > 0) tot += 1;
info.text += "Count of streams : " + tot + "\n";
info.text += "\n";
if (info.VideonbB > 0){
info.text += "Video Track Id : " + info.VideoCodecId + "\n";
info.text += "Video Codec : " + info.VideoCodec;
if (info.onMetaData.videocodecid){
if (isNaN(info.onMetaData.videocodecid)){
info.text += " (" + info.onMetaData.videocodecid + ")";
info.text += "\n";
info.text += "Size = " + humanFileSize(info.VideonbB) + "\n";
info.text += "Bitrate : " + humanBitrate(info.VideonbB * 8 / info.dureeS) + "\n";
if (info.onMetaData.framerate){
info.text += "Framerate : " + (info.onMetaData.framerate * info.factor) + " FPS\n";
} else {
tot = Math.round(info.VideoTagsCount / (info.lastStampTime - info.firstStampTime)) / 1000;
info.text += "Framerate : " + tot + " FPS (*)\n";
if (info.onMetaData.width){
info.text += "Width : " + (info.onMetaData.width * info.factor) + "\n";
info.text += "Heidth : " + (info.onMetaData.height * info.factor) + "\n";
info.text += "\n";
if (info.AudionbB > 0){
info.text += "Audio Track Id : " + info.AudioCodecId + "\n";
info.text += "Audio Codec : " + info.AudioFormat;
if (info.onMetaData.audiocodecid){
if (isNaN(info.onMetaData.audiocodecid)){
info.text += " (" + info.onMetaData.audiocodecid + ")";
info.text += "\n";
info.text += "Size = " + humanFileSize(info.AudionbB) + "\n";
info.text += "Bitrate : " + humanBitrate(info.AudionbB * 8 / info.dureeS) + "\n";
if (info.AudioFormat == 'AAC'){
info.text += "Profile : " + info.modeAAC + "\n";
info.text += "Count of channels : " + info.AACnbChannels + " (" + info.AACConfigChannels + ")\n";
if (info.onMetaData.audiosamplerate){
info.text += "Sampling : " + (info.factor * info.onMetaData.audiosamplerate / 1000) + " kHz\n";
} else {
info.text += "Sampling : " + (info.AudioSampling) + " kHz (*)\n";
} else {
tot = 1;
if (info.AudioMode == "stereo"){
tot =2;
info.text += "Count of channels : " + tot + "\n";
info.text += "Mode : " + info.AudioMode + "\n";
info.text += "Sampling : " + (info.AudioSampling) + " kHz\n";
return info.text;
document.querySelector('input[type="file"]').onchange = function(e) { // video/x-flv
flv(this.files[0], function(err, info) {
if (err) {
//console.log('error : ' + err);
sortie_texte = err;
document.querySelector('#out').innerHTML = "";
document.querySelector('#out').innerHTML = sortie_texte;
} else {
sortie_texte = human_reading(info);
document.querySelector('#out').innerHTML = "";
document.querySelector('#out').innerHTML = sortie_texte;
Sort of "Mediainfo" for FLV Files - little FLVParser (just for main technics information about the file)
Dependances : null
Usage :
<script src="FLVInfo.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <-- or FLVInfo_min.js -->
(in single file .html)
importScripts('FLVInfo.js'); <-- or FLVInfo_min.js -->
(in worker)
How use it :
flv(this.files[0], function(err, info) {
if (err) {
} else {
sortie_texte = human_reading(info);
FLVInfo return an object structured (named 'info') wich contains a lot of technicals information about the file.
If we want to read this informations, we need to make them readable. So human_reading is here !
Try with short files because FLV parse the totality of the file. So, more big is the fie, more time to do the job !
Examples :
for a single file and no worker : index.html
for multiple files and worker : indexw.html
Try it ?
http://aroug.eu/FLVInfo/ (multiple + worker + use FLVInfo.min.js)
Applications that use this package |
No pages of applications that use this class were specified.
If you know an application of this package, send a message to the author to add a link here.