File: connected-users-websocket/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/formidable/node-gently/test/simple/test-gently.js

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File: connected-users-websocket/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/formidable/node-gently/test/simple/test-gently.js
Role: Example script
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Description: Example script
Class: Terminal Crossword
Generate a crosswords board on a text console
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Date: 2 years ago
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require('../common'); var Gently = require('gently') , gently; function test(test) { process.removeAllListeners('exit'); gently = new Gently(); test(); } test(function constructor() { assert.deepEqual(gently.expectations, []); assert.deepEqual(gently.hijacked, {}); assert.equal(, 'Gently'); }); test(function expectBadArgs() { var BAD_ARG = 'oh no'; try { gently.expect(BAD_ARG); assert.ok(false, 'throw needs to happen'); } catch (e) { assert.equal(e.message, 'Bad 1st argument for gently.expect(), object, function, or number expected, got: '+(typeof BAD_ARG)); } }); test(function expectObjMethod() { var OBJ = {}, NAME = 'foobar'; = function(x) { return x; }; gently._name = function() { return NAME; }; var original = , stubFn = function() {}; (function testAddOne() { assert.strictEqual(gently.expect(OBJ, 'foo', stubFn), original); assert.equal(gently.expectations.length, 1); var expectation = gently.expectations[0]; assert.strictEqual(expectation.obj, OBJ); assert.strictEqual(expectation.method, 'foo'); assert.strictEqual(expectation.stubFn, stubFn); assert.strictEqual(, NAME); assert.strictEqual(, original); })(); (function testAddTwo() { gently.expect(OBJ, 'foo', 2, stubFn); assert.equal(gently.expectations.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(, original); })(); (function testAddOneWithoutMock() { gently.expect(OBJ, 'foo'); assert.equal(gently.expectations.length, 3); })(); var stubFnCalled = 0, SELF = {}; gently._stubFn = function(self, obj, method, name, args) { stubFnCalled++; assert.strictEqual(self, SELF); assert.strictEqual(obj, OBJ); assert.strictEqual(method, 'foo'); assert.strictEqual(name, NAME); assert.deepEqual(args, [1, 2]); return 23; }; assert.equal(, [1, 2]), 23); assert.equal(stubFnCalled, 1); }); test(function expectClosure() { var NAME = 'MY CLOSURE'; function closureFn() {}; gently._name = function() { return NAME; }; var fn = gently.expect(closureFn); assert.equal(gently.expectations.length, 1); var expectation = gently.expectations[0]; assert.strictEqual(expectation.obj, null); assert.strictEqual(expectation.method, null); assert.strictEqual(expectation.stubFn, closureFn); assert.strictEqual(, NAME); var stubFnCalled = 0, SELF = {}; gently._stubFn = function(self, obj, method, name, args) { stubFnCalled++; assert.strictEqual(self, SELF); assert.strictEqual(obj, null); assert.strictEqual(method, null); assert.strictEqual(name, NAME); assert.deepEqual(args, [1, 2]); return 23; }; assert.equal(fn.apply(SELF, [1, 2]), 23); assert.equal(stubFnCalled, 1); }); test(function expectClosureCount() { var stubFnCalled = 0; function closureFn() {stubFnCalled++}; var fn = gently.expect(2, closureFn); assert.equal(gently.expectations.length, 1); fn(); assert.equal(gently.expectations.length, 1); fn(); assert.equal(stubFnCalled, 2); }); test(function restore() { var OBJ = {}, NAME = '[my object].myFn()'; = function(x) { return x; }; gently._name = function() { return NAME; }; var original =; gently.expect(OBJ, 'foo'); gently.restore(OBJ, 'foo'); assert.strictEqual(, original); (function testError() { try { gently.restore(OBJ, 'foo'); assert.ok(false, 'throw needs to happen'); } catch (e) { assert.equal(e.message, NAME+' is not gently stubbed'); } })(); }); test(function _stubFn() { var OBJ1 = {toString: function() {return '[OBJ 1]'}} , OBJ2 = {toString: function() {return '[OBJ 2]'}, foo: function () {return 'bar';}} , SELF = {}; gently.expect(OBJ1, 'foo', function(x) { assert.strictEqual(this, SELF); return x * 2; }); assert.equal(gently._stubFn(SELF, OBJ1, 'foo', 'dummy_name', [5]), 10); (function testAutorestore() { assert.equal(, 'bar'); gently.expect(OBJ2, 'foo', function() { return 'stubbed foo'; }); gently.expect(OBJ2, 'foo', function() { return "didn't restore yet"; }); assert.equal(gently._stubFn(SELF, OBJ2, 'foo', 'dummy_name', []), 'stubbed foo'); assert.equal(gently._stubFn(SELF, OBJ2, 'foo', 'dummy_name', []), "didn't restore yet"); assert.equal(, 'bar'); assert.deepEqual(gently.expectations, []); })(); (function testNoMoreCallExpected() { try { gently._stubFn(SELF, OBJ1, 'foo', 'dummy_name', [5]); assert.ok(false, 'throw needs to happen'); } catch (e) { assert.equal(e.message, 'Unexpected call to dummy_name, no call was expected'); } })(); (function testDifferentCallExpected() { gently.expect(OBJ2, 'bar'); try { gently._stubFn(SELF, OBJ1, 'foo', 'dummy_name', [5]); assert.ok(false, 'throw needs to happen'); } catch (e) { assert.equal(e.message, 'Unexpected call to dummy_name, expected call to '+gently._name(OBJ2, 'bar')); } assert.equal(gently.expectations.length, 1); })(); (function testNoMockCallback() {; assert.equal(gently.expectations.length, 0); })(); }); test(function stub() { var LOCATION = './my_class'; (function testRegular() { var Stub = gently.stub(LOCATION); assert.ok(Stub instanceof Function); assert.strictEqual(gently.hijacked[LOCATION], Stub); assert.ok(Stub['new'] instanceof Function); assert.equal(Stub.toString(), 'require('+JSON.stringify(LOCATION)+')'); (function testConstructor() { var newCalled = 0 , STUB , ARGS = ['foo', 'bar']; Stub['new'] = function(a, b) { assert.equal(a, ARGS[0]); assert.equal(b, ARGS[1]); newCalled++; STUB = this; }; var stub = new Stub(ARGS[0], ARGS[1]); assert.strictEqual(stub, STUB); assert.equal(newCalled, 1); assert.equal(stub.toString(), 'require('+JSON.stringify(LOCATION)+')'); })(); (function testUseReturnValueAsInstance() { var R = {}; Stub['new'] = function() { return R; }; var stub = new Stub(); assert.strictEqual(stub, R); })(); })(); var EXPORTS_NAME = 'MyClass'; test(function testExportsName() { var Stub = gently.stub(LOCATION, EXPORTS_NAME); assert.strictEqual(gently.hijacked[LOCATION][EXPORTS_NAME], Stub); assert.equal(Stub.toString(), 'require('+JSON.stringify(LOCATION)+').'+EXPORTS_NAME); (function testConstructor() { var stub = new Stub(); assert.equal(Stub.toString(), 'require('+JSON.stringify(LOCATION)+').'+EXPORTS_NAME); })(); }); }); test(function hijack() { var LOCATION = './foo' , REQUIRE_CALLS = 0 , EXPORTS = {} , REQUIRE = function() { REQUIRE_CALLS++; return EXPORTS; }; var hijackedRequire = gently.hijack(REQUIRE); hijackedRequire(LOCATION); assert.strictEqual(gently.hijacked[LOCATION], EXPORTS); assert.equal(REQUIRE_CALLS, 1); // make sure we are caching the hijacked module hijackedRequire(LOCATION); assert.equal(REQUIRE_CALLS, 1); }); test(function verify() { var OBJ = {toString: function() {return '[OBJ]'}}; gently.verify(); gently.expect(OBJ, 'foo'); try { gently.verify(); assert.ok(false, 'throw needs to happen'); } catch (e) { assert.equal(e.message, 'Expected call to [OBJ].foo() did not happen'); } try { gently.verify('foo'); assert.ok(false, 'throw needs to happen'); } catch (e) { assert.equal(e.message, 'Expected call to [OBJ].foo() did not happen (foo)'); } }); test(function processExit() { var verifyCalled = 0; gently.verify = function(msg) { verifyCalled++; assert.equal(msg, 'process exit'); }; process.emit('exit'); assert.equal(verifyCalled, 1); }); test(function _name() { (function testNamedClass() { function Foo() {}; var foo = new Foo(); assert.equal(gently._name(foo, 'bar'), '[Foo].bar()'); })(); (function testToStringPreference() { function Foo() {}; Foo.prototype.toString = function() { return '[Superman 123]'; }; var foo = new Foo(); assert.equal(gently._name(foo, 'bar'), '[Superman 123].bar()'); })(); (function testUnamedClass() { var Foo = function() {}; var foo = new Foo(); assert.equal(gently._name(foo, 'bar'), foo.toString()+'.bar()'); })(); (function testNamedClosure() { function myClosure() {}; assert.equal(gently._name(null, null, myClosure),'()'); })(); (function testUnamedClosure() { var myClosure = function() {2+2 == 5}; assert.equal(gently._name(null, null, myClosure), '>> '+myClosure.toString()+' <<'); })(); }); test(function verifyExpectNone() { var OBJ = {toString: function() {return '[OBJ]'}}; gently.verify(); gently.expect(OBJ, 'foo', 0); try { gently.verify(); } catch (e) {'Exception should not have been thrown'); } });